
[364]Domain extended attention network for ultra-short-term wind power prediction
Likang Lin South China Agricultural University
2024年05月30日 15:40~16:00
仅限参会人 张贴报告

[363]An advanced flexible composite phase change material for enhanced heat dissipation in chip cooling applications
Min Deng China University of Mining and Technology
2024年05月30日 17:00~17:20
仅限参会人 口头报告

[362]Research on the evolution law of water inrush disasters in tunnel fault fracture zones
Yingchao Wang China University of Mining and Technology
2024年05月30日 17:00~17:20
仅限参会人 口头报告

[361]Enhanced thermal conductivity in phase change composites via cu nanoparticle-decorated anisotropic carbon rolls
Pan Guo Communist Party members
2024年05月31日 16:50~17:10
仅限参会人 口头报告

[357]Chemical looping complementary hydrogen reduction (CLHR) for recovery of valuable metals from spent LiCoO2 cathodes in lithium-ion batteries
Jianing Shao China University of Mining and Technology
2024年05月30日 16:40~17:00
仅限参会人 口头报告

[356]Effect of calcination temperature on Fe2O3/Al2O3 porous media catalysts for catalytic low-concentration methane combustion in a graduated porous burner
Yifan Ding China University of Mining and Technology
2024年05月31日 14:40~15:00
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[355]Numerical simulation on high-efficiency combustion and low-nitrogen emission of coal-fired boiler based on synergistic optimization of swirl burner structure and air-staged technology
Xianqiang Su Huazhong University of Science and Technology
2024年05月30日 14:30~14:50
仅限参会人 口头报告

[352]Green Production and Green Technology for Sustainability: The Mediating Role of Waste Reduction and Energy Use
昌霖 李 Yunnan Minzu University
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[350]Optimization of Water Resources Allocation Under Multi-objective Constraints in Ecologically Fragile Area
Gulbostan Tursun China University of Mining and Technology
仅限参会人 口头报告

[349]Research on the Construction Path of Resilience Governance Community of Megacity Community based on CAS Theory
可欣 杨 中国矿业大学公共管理学院
仅限参会人 口头报告