
[334]Research Innovation Resilience in Emergency Management Doctoral Students: Connotation, Characteristics, and Enhancement Pathways
Long Zhang 公共管理学院,应急管理
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[333]Carbon Emission Scenario Simulation and Policy Regulation in Resource-based Provinces Based on System Dynamics Modeling
Zhanjun XU Professor Shanxi Agricultural University
2024年05月31日 15:55~16:10
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[332]Research on the evolution law of water inrush disasters in tunnel fault fracture zones
Yingchao Wang China University of Mining and Technology
公开 口头报告

[331]Coal miners' breathing characterization, purification, and oxygen replenishment under various working conditions
Jintuo Zhu 副教授 China University of Mining and Technology
2024年05月30日 17:30~17:40
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[330]Research on the evaluation of the operating effectiveness of the safety double prevention mechanism of coal mine enterprises based on matter-element extension[This work was supported by the National Social Science Foundation of China (Grant no. 21BGL297),
Quanlong LIU Associate Professor China University of Mining and Technology
2024年05月31日 14:15~14:30
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[329]Load prediction of bucket elevator for jigging sorting based on binocular vision and Global Filter Networks
Jiawei Li 研究生 China University of Mining and Technology
仅限参会人 张贴报告

[328]Synthesis of porous carbon/minerals interwoven electrocatalysts from coal gasification fine slag for synergistic treatment of phenolic wastewater
Yanjie Niu China University of Mining and Technology
2024年05月31日 17:00~17:15
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[325]Research on the Action Path and Countermeasures of Green Technology Innovation to Promote Low-carbon Energy Transition - Based on the Perspective of Innovation Ecology Theory
Xinyu Dou China University of Mining and Technology
2024年05月31日 17:35~17:50
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[324]Considering risk profile in engineering projects evaluation towards sustainable resources management
Aldin ARDIAN Lecturer Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Yogyakarta
2024年05月31日 14:00~14:15
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[323]Dynamic Calculation Method and Application of Mine Water Inflow Based on the Evolution of Hydrogeological Parameters
Tianci Chen doctoral candidate China University of Mining and Technology
2024年05月30日 20:00~20:10
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