[口头报告]Assessment of the Potential Hazard of an Abandoned Tailings Dump of Rare Metal Ores in the Kola Subarctic
Assessment of the Potential Hazard of an Abandoned Tailings Dump of Rare Metal Ores in the Kola Subarctic
稿件编号:50 访问权限:仅限参会人
更新:2024-05-15 18:01:09

报告开始:2024年05月31日 16:25 (Asia/Shanghai)
所在会议:[S9] Environmental Pollution Control and Ecological Restoration » [S9-2] Afternoon of May 31st
The development of the mining industry inevitably has a negative impact on the environment. Sources of soils, air and water bodies pollution can come from both operating enterprises and abandoned mines and tailings ponds. Samples of the surface layer (0-30 cm) of loparite ore enrichment tailings, stored in the tailing dump of an abandoned processing plant in the Murmansk region, were collected and studied. Engineering-geological characteristics (humidity, density, porosity and porosity coefficient) and the material composition of the waste were determined, sieve, X-ray phase and radionuclide analyses were carried out. The waste under study belongs to fine and medium-grained sands, the predominant fractions being 0.1-0.25 and 0.25-0.5 mm. The mineral composition of the waste is dominated by nepheline (up to 40%), microcline (up to 23%) and albite (up to 21%). The concentration of loparite in the -0.071 mm fraction was established - up to 0.86% versus 0.32% in the average tailings sample. A similar trend was noted for the calculated values of the specific effective activity of the fine fraction of enrichment waste (up to 793±98 Bq/kg), which exceeds this indicator for the average sample by up to two times. The specificity of stored enrichment waste suggests contamination of adjacent ecosystems with rare earth elements, which have recently been considered as new pollutants.
tailing dump,loparite,radioactivity,rare earth elements
