[口头报告]Efficiency monitering of locally constucted biorecator for waste water treatment: An innovative and environmental approach
Efficiency monitering of locally constucted biorecator for waste water treatment: An innovative and environmental approach
稿件编号:395 访问权限:仅限参会人
更新:2024-05-15 18:06:44

报告开始:暂无开始时间 (Asia/Shanghai)
所在会议:[暂无会议] » [暂无会议段]
Domestic wastewater cleanup and recycling is one of the most important ecological issues all over the globe specifically in developing countries. Mostly, the waste water is being thrown in the fresh water bodies with tretament owing to limited installed capasity and unavilability of local technologies. Current study investigates the efficiency of an integrated vertical flow constructed wetland (IVFCW) to treat domestic wastewater. The IVFCW was designed to overcome two major problems of constructed wetlands, namely excessive evaporation and wetland clogging. The wetland planted with Typha latifolia showed high efficiency in nutirent removal, ion removal, lignin degadation, color reduction and microbial contaminant reduction under a hydraulic retention time of 3 days. The IVFCW was operated continuously for 12 weeks, resulting in maximum reduction of COD and BOD5 by more than 80 % alongwith 67% CFU/mL and 90 % fecal pathogens reduction The proposed design, system and conditions could be extened to pilot scale applications for the development of an effective wastewater treatment process. This study highlights the potential of IVFCW for treatment of domestic wastewater, with microbial profiling providing insights into the reatment mechanisms and resident microbial populations.
