[口头报告]Hydrothermal synthesis and dielectric responses of sillenite Bi25FeO39 microcrystals with hierarchical microstructures
Hydrothermal synthesis and dielectric responses of sillenite Bi25FeO39 microcrystals with hierarchical microstructures
稿件编号:272 访问权限:仅限参会人
更新:2024-05-21 11:56:08

报告开始:2024年05月30日 19:50 (Asia/Shanghai)
所在会议:[S7] Minerals and Advanced Energy Materials » [S7-2] Evening of May 30th
Sillenite Bi25FeO39 particles have drawn considerable interest due to their high performance in photocatalytic, dielectric and humidity sensing fields. However, their synthetic processes especially the approach to modulate their shapes and sizes have not been described explicitly. In this paper, a facile hydrothermal route to prepare dispersed Bi25FeO39 microcrystals is provided. By changing the ratio of Bi3+: Fe3+ from 1:1 to 2:1 in aqueous solution, the as-prepared Bi25FeO39 microcrystals are categorized from tetrahedral to cubic series. Further tailoring on processing parameters such as pH value, temperature and reaction time results in various hierarchical micro-nanostructures. The compositions, morphologies and growth evolution of the as-prepared Bi25FeO39 are discussed. The dielectric and ferroelectric properties were tested and compared. The results show that Bi25FeO39 has obvious relaxation characteristics, and is more suitable for applications in the temperature range from room temperature to 200 °C above 105 Hz, where the dielectric constant can be kept around 150 and the dielectric loss is as low as 0.2; the maximum polarisation strength of the ferroelectric performance test further verifies the dielectric test results, and the strongest ferroelectricity was measured for the BFO-C2, and the cubic system of the BFO-C1 and BFO-C2 have the largest coercive electric field, indicating that the cubic series requires a larger electric field to drive the domain flip than the tetrahedral series of BFO; the maximum polarisation strength and smaller residual polarisation strength of BFO-T3 make it possible to be used in the field of energy storage capacitors in the future.
Bismuth ferrite; Hydrothermal processes; Hierarchical nanostructures; Dielectric properties
