[口头报告]A Comparative Study of College Emergency Management Education between China and the US
A Comparative Study of College Emergency Management Education between China and the US
稿件编号:78 访问权限:仅限参会人
更新:2024-05-16 16:32:56

报告开始:2024年05月30日 16:00 (Asia/Shanghai)
所在会议:[S8] Resource & Energy Security and Emergency Management » [S8-1] Afternoon of May 30th
College education on emergency management is not only essential for promoting the establishment of emergency management culture and system, but also playing a significant role in elevating researches and practices on emergency response ability. With the growing number of emergency cases globally, public situation is facing great challenges in terms of social security and stability, which calls for a more resilient society with stronger mechanism and quicker reaction. However, there are still visible and invisible gaps in college emergency management education among different countries and regions. Therefore, is it of great importance to achieve a more balanced emergency management education circumstance by more efficient communication through joint efforts, in which a comprehensive knowledge of influential and inspiring education models across nations would be a great boost. Based on a comparative study of college emergency education between representative countries including China and the US, this paper aims to sort and summarize effective college emergency education systems and models as paradigms for reference in promoting emergency management advancement worldwide. From a comparative study based on data and facts, it is found that college emergency education finds it way through a “government-guided”, “market-oriented” and “public-shared” philosophy. Secondly, college emergency management education also flourishes when different regions and institutions establish diversified mechanisms based on specific situations and advantages. Thirdly, college emergency management education develops faster and takes better effect in social circumstances and emergency cases by an inclusive and communicative approach.
college education,emergency management,comparative study
