[口头报告]Exploring the Determinants of Smart Government Service Capability at the Provincial Level: A Fuzzy-Set Qualitative Comparative Analysis
Exploring the Determinants of Smart Government Service Capability at the Provincial Level: A Fuzzy-Set Qualitative Comparative Analysis
稿件编号:206 访问权限:仅限参会人
更新:2024-04-08 10:05:34 浏览:771次

报告开始:暂无开始时间 (Asia/Shanghai)
所在会议:[暂无会议] » [暂无会议段]
In the digital era, enhancing the level of intelligentization of government administrative services has become a hot topic of concern for government departments. This paper utilizes the Technology-Organization-Environment (TOE) framework to conduct a qualitative comparative analysis of case studies from 31 provinces in China, exploring the influence and improvement pathways of technology, organization, and environmental conditions on the level of intelligentization of provincial government administrative services. The research findings indicate that a single condition does not constitute a necessary condition for high intelligence service capability in government; rather, technological, organizational, and environmental conditions interact in a "multiple and concurrent" manner, forming diverse configurations that influence the high intelligence service capability of provincial governments. Specifically, four types can be distinguished, technology-driven, environment-driven, organization-environment, and technology-environment. The conclusions of this study contribute to a deeper understanding of the rational recognition of the complex interactions among multiple factors behind the high intelligence service capability of provincial governments in China, and provide valuable practical insights for enhancing the transformation of government administrative intelligentization.
Digital government,Provincial governament,smart governance,Configuration analysis
