Criterion for flotation reagent selection substantiation in the development of coal processing technologies
Submission ID:345 View Protection:ATTENDEE
Updated Time:2024-05-15 17:34:40
Oral Presentation
Today, traditional mineral processing technologies are less and less able to meet modern demands in terms of productivity and quality of concentrates, integrated use of raw materials and environmental friendliness of processes, due to the widespread deterioration of raw material quality. This problem is especially relevant in the development of coal flotation technologies, where the choice of reagent regime plays a critical role. Based on preliminary physical and chemical studies of surface properties and laboratory studies of coal samples floatability, it is possible to substantiate the mechanisms of action of selected flotation reagents, which, consequently, will allow evaluating their effectiveness.
A criterion has been proposed to evaluate surface hydrophobization and hydrophilization K_ϕ, based on the surface free energy ratio. The criterion is based on the equality of the Gibbs energy increment and the reduction of the surface free energy, which is spent on the formation of surface-adsorbent bonds. The calculation is based on the Owens–Wendt–Rabel–Kaelble method, where the initial data are the values of contact angles of two liquids with known values of their dispersion and polar components of the surface free energy at the gas-liquid interface.
For the hydrophobization effect of the applied reagent value of the K_ϕ must be higher than 1, for the hydrophilization effect of the applied reagent value of the K_ϕ must be lesser than 1.
Proposed criterion was applied for the surface properties analysis of the gas flame coal with application to its surface various flotation reagents to measure their hydrophobization effect.
The possibility for numerical characterization of selected reagent regime efficiency of coal flotation, as well as to establish the mechanisms of hydrophobizing and hydrophilizing action of various reagents. Based on the established values of the criterion, it is possible to outline ways to improve the current reagent regimes, as well as to justify the use of fundamentally new reagents.
This work was performed under the grant of the Russian Science Foundation (project N 23-47-00109).
coal,flotation,flotation reagents,hydrophobization,hydrophilization,surface free energy
Submission Author
Tatiana Aleksandrova
Saint Petersburg mining university
Evgeniya Prokhorova
Saint Petersburg mining university
Valentin Kuznetsov
Saint Petersburg mining university
Nadezhda Nikolaeva
Saint-Petersburg mining university
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