Carbon-containing mineral raw materials separation process intensification
Submission ID:347 View Protection:ATTENDEE
Updated Time:2024-05-15 17:33:56
Oral Presentation
Decrease in the of carbon-bearing mineral raw materials quality (low content of valuable component, fine dissemination, close physical, mechanical and material properties, etc.) has led to the need to develop flexible separation technologies based on a deep study of raw material properties and mathematical modeling. Also, the deterioration of the mineral resource base and the need to comply with the principles of sustainable development require the search for new technical solutions, on the one hand providing cost reduction of the mining and processing complex, on the other hand environmental protection and compliance with the rational use of natural resources. In this regard, the task of developing the principles for flexible technology control in real time mode is an important task at any enterprise, since the choice of the processing conditions ultimately determines the efficiency of the entire technological circuit of mining production. Samples of carbon-containing mineral raw materials of different composition were chosen as the object of research. Experimental studies were conducted in two stages: the study of the dependence of pulp viscosity on the value of the hydrogen index and temperature, and the study of the separation process when changing the properties of the material.
At the first stage of research all experiments were divided into three series by temperature: 10, 25 and 40ºC. From the initial ore sample with a mass of about 1 kg, 3 pulp samples with a solid content of 15% by mass were obtained. The pH for each sample was changed by adding reagents. In the second step, the effect of the previously studied parameters on the separation products, and consequently the process efficiency, was studied. To quantify the process efficiency, the classical efficiency was calculated using Hancock's formula.
As a result of the hydrocycloning process investigation, dependencies were obtained, which allow us to evaluate the influence of the physical properties of the pulp and geometric parameters of the apparatus on the performance of the hydrocyclone. The parameters of the Nageswararao model were also determined, which allowed to make clarifying corrections to the model itself. This is the most advanced and perfect model that is used for hydrocyclone modeling. It is based on the Whiten efficiency curve and allows predicting the variation of this curve depending on the design and mode parameters of hydrocyclones. The primary verification of the Whiten efficiency efficiency curves showed their acceptability for modeling the process of classification of carbon-containing raw materials.
As a result of experimental and theoretical studies, the dependences of the influence of physical properties of carbon-containing materials (slurries, suspensions, etc.) and parameters of separation apparatuses on the separation process parameters were obtained. The obtained results can become a fundamental basis for the creation of a system of stabilization of separation processes at variation of properties of the initial feed and creation of highly efficient automatic control systems.
This work was performed under the grant of the Russian Science Foundation (project N 23-47-00109).
carbon-containing mineral raw materials,separation,hydrocycloning,modeling
Submission Author
Nadezhda Nikolaeva
Saint-Petersburg mining university
Tatiana Aleksandrova
Saint Petersburg mining university
Valentin Kuznetsov
Saint Petersburg mining university
Evgeniya Prokhorova
Saint Petersburg mining university
Artyom Romashev
Saint Petersburg Mining University
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