Exploring the dynamic response characteristics of phase change energy storage system utilizing harmonic heat source
Submission ID:366 View Protection:ATTENDEE
Updated Time:2024-05-18 11:35:29
Oral Presentation
This study utilizes the lattice Boltzmann method to investigate the dynamic response characteristics of phase change energy storage systems to harmonic input heat flux. By analyzing the temperature, liquid fraction, and total melting time of the system under varying amplitudes and frequencies of the input heat flux, the impact of these parameters on energy storage characteristics is examined. A higher amplitude of the input heat source enhances the energy storage rate significantly. Moreover, with a constant amplitude, an increase in the number of input heat source cycles (faster frequency changes) leads to energy storage characteristics closer to those of a constant heat source. The temperature and liquid phase fraction of the phase change energy storage unit exhibit fluctuations similar to the input heat source, albeit with a slight time delay.
Phase change materials, thermal energy storage, pulsed flux input, lattice Boltzmann method
Submission Author
Bingbing Li
China University of Mining and Technology
Song Wang
China University of Mining and Technology
Yutao Huo
China University of Mining and Technology
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