Research on occupational safety and health issues from the perspective of intercontinental differences — CiteSpace-based visualization analysis
Submission ID:252 View Protection:ATTENDEE
Updated Time:2024-05-19 11:25:33
Oral Presentation
Abstract:Every day, approximately 3,000 workers lose their lives in occupational accidents worldwide, with an average of 2 deaths per minute. The economic losses caused by occupational accidents and diseases are rapidly increasing. Occupational safety and health (Hereinafter referreed to as OSH) have significant impacts on workers, businesses, and society as a whole, which varies among different regions. In this study, utilizing CiteSpace and Netdraw, a network map is first built. And then, based on this, quantitative analysis of literature, co-occurrence analysis of institution and keywords analysis are conducted towards 92074 articles on OSH retrieved from Web of Science.The research findings are as follows: (1) Current OSH research can be classified into three stages: budding, development, and outbreak. And at present, all continents are still in the outbreak stage. (2) Issues such as “prevalence” “mental health” “impact” “work” and “stress” are common concern among all continents. (3) Research priority differs across all continents, with Asia focusing more on the impact of career management whereas Europe caring more about mental influence. (4) According to keywords hot spots, the intercontinental research trends are drawn. Among them, researches focus more on public health in Europe, and more on mental and emotional aspects in Oceania. This study effectively bridges the gap between intercontinental studies on OSH variability and provides lessons for future research.
Intercontinental; OSH; Occupational diseases; Health management; CiteSpace
Submission Author
福明 郭
姗姗 李
春山 郑
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