"Symbolized" experts: A study on the role of experts in the preparation of government emergency plans——Discourse analysis based on a micro-language field in the preparation of a plan
Submission ID:86 View Protection:ATTENDEE
Updated Time:2024-04-08 10:12:47 Hits:708
Oral Presentation
At present, experts are increasingly involved in the preparation of government emergency plans, because the government, as the leader of the preparation of emergency plans, is difficult to do everything at many levels. It is generally believed that the legitimacy of expert status comes from the professionalism of knowledge. However, in practice, there is a tendency of "symbolization" in the identity of experts, that is, to enhance the legitimacy of the procedure of preparing the plan through the background of the identity of experts. This paper attempts to reveal the "symbolization" phenomenon of experts by analyzing the micro-discourse of a planning seminar. Foucault believed that any language dialogue reflects a certain social structure, so the dialogue in the planning seminar must also present the "real" identity of the expert. Based on this assumption, this paper explores the role structure model of each subject in the preparation of government emergency plan through three levels of discourse text analysis, discourse practice analysis and social practice analysis, and interprets the expert symbolization phenomenon under a larger social structure and disciplinary background, so as to provide a more scientific cognitive basis for our understanding of government emergency plan.
Expert Role; Discourse Analysis; Emergency Plan Preparation; Symbolization
Submission Author
浩 丁
Chao Xu
China University of Mining and Technology;School of Public Policy and Management
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