Toward an empirically oriented path to community resilience research
Submission ID:83 View Protection:ATTENDEE
Updated Time:2024-05-15 18:00:53
Oral Presentation
The advent of the risk society has made resilience governance an important path choice for community risk response and has also given rise to the"methodological jungle" of community resilience research, which presents a development trend from normative research to the coexistence of normative and empirical research. Among them, community resilience research based on empirical orientation draws its research view from the triangular theoretical dimensions of subjectivity, objectivity, and synthesis, but community resilience research toward empirical orientation is facing the application of conceptual discernment,theoretical lag, limited mainstream methodology, and prominent technological barriers, which to a certain extent, hinders the localization of community resilience research. In order to promote community resilience research toward empiricalorientation, it is necessary to define the basic concepts as a prerequisite, consolidate the theoretical foundation as the core, face up to the limitations of the methodology as the key, and empower digital technology as the driving force, soas to provide methodological support for the construction of the community resilience discourse spectrum with Chinese characteristics, Chinese style and Chinese flavor.
risk society; empirical research; community resilience
Submission Author
中邮 王
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