
[69]Gaseous emissions and control measures during aerobic composting of livestock manure
Lei Liusheng Nanjing University
2024年05月31日 14:15~14:30
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[68]Enhanced syngas production from steam reforming of biomass tar using a Ni-based Mg-Al hydrotalcite-derived catalyst
杰 任 副研究员 中国科学技术大学
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[67]Effect of surface hydrophobicity and roughness on particle-bubble detachment behavior: comparative study of air-water and oily bubbles
Yusheng Wang China University of Mining and Technology
2024年05月31日 14:30~14:45
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[66]Effects of microbes and coal-derived humic acid substance on the growth of packchoi and soil amendment for coal mine subsided area
Huan He China University of Mining and Technology
2024年05月31日 14:00~14:15
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[65]A semi-analytical flow regime diagnosis model for a multi-fractured horizontal well in deep coal methane reservoirs
Changqing LIU China University of Mining and Technology
2024年05月30日 20:10~20:20
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[64]Research on Water Inrush Risk Assessment of Coal Seam Floor Based on AHP-EWM-CRITIC Method
Tianyang Xu China University of Mining & Technology
2024年05月30日 20:20~20:30
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[63]Study on internal flow field and vortex characteristics in impacting flow reactor
Ruoqian Zhou China University of Mining and Technology
2024年05月31日 14:45~15:00
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[62]Effects of municipal solid waste compositions on co-gasification performance under CO2 atmosphere
Yan Zhao Huazhong University of Science and Technology
2024年05月31日 16:00~16:15
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[61]Extraction of indium from coal and its byproducts using a microbial surface display system
Zaixing Huang China University of Mining and Technology
2024年05月31日 13:45~14:00
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[59]Long Time-series Hierarchical Mapping of Coastal Zone Land-sea Regions Based on Google Earth Engine
Haonan XU China University of Mining and Technology
2024年05月30日 20:30~20:40
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[58]Based on industrial solid waste modification, green shear thickening liquid interface enhances the bulletproof and flame retardant properties of fabrics
Ke Yan Beijing Institute of Technology
仅限参会人 张贴报告

[57]Influence of swirl flow injection on tar production during underground coal gasification within an oxygen-steam atmosphere
Maifan Dong China University of Mining and Technology
2024年05月30日 20:40~20:50
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[56]Sequence closed-loop recovery of fluoride, phosphate, and sulfate anions from phosphogypsum leachate via precipitation-electrodialysis-crystallization approaches
Xiangyang Lou Shenzhen Institute & Information Technology
2024年05月30日 17:25~17:40
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[55]Criterion for flotation reagent selection substantiation in the development of coal processing technologies
Evgeniya Prokhorova Saint Petersburg mining university
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